


1-1. 地域リサーチ・コンテンツ制作



¥300,000〜(※一業種の調査:取材・インタビュー・文献調査・写真撮影・文章構築・デザインなど含む。約20000字/A4 6ページ程度)

1-2. Research / Content production

Our work does not consists only of the existing model of retail and wholesale of local products. Unagi-no-Nedoko believes that researching and discovering the culture, history, and the background of the area from an “out-sider” perspective, and delivering that information and value of the makers and products which we find attractive, is both affective and essential in selling and branding local products today. We offer research and content production services for other areas and indusustries who wish to “re-brand” their local resources and products.

・Reference price

¥300,000〜(※Single topic: Research, interview, bibliographic survey, photography, writing, design and other related jobs / approx. 11000 words, 6 A4pages)


1-3. これまでの事例/Previous works

◯ 佐賀柳町プロジェクト(2015〜2016)/ 168ページ冊子制作・イベント企画
Saga, Yanagimachi Project (2015-2016) / Introduction booklet production (168 page), and official event organization

かつて長崎と江戸をつなげた長崎街道が通る、佐賀城下町。そのひとつである柳町で、東京R不動産などで知られるOpenAにより改修された、2棟の古民家「旧久富家」と「旧森永家」に入居した事業者10件のインタビューを中心として、建築・リノベーション、歴史などを掘り下げまとめた168ページの本(A4サイズ)。プロデュース・調査・執筆・構成・コピーをうなぎの寝床が手がけ、佐賀のPerhaps Galleryの北島敬明さんがデザインを担当。新しい形のまちの発信方法であり、地方のあり方・まちづくりの考え方などに興味がある方向けのケーススタディー集。他にイベントの企画・WEB制作のプロデュースもさせていただきました。


スクリーンショット 2016-06-12 午後2.03.21

スクリーンショット 2016-06-12 午後2.08.45

スクリーンショット 2016-06-12 午後2.04.12


◯ 八女伝統工芸”Yamenogi”プロジェクト(2015〜)/ 調査・研究・プロデュース

Yame arts and crafts “Yamenogi” Project (2015〜) / Research and production

八女にて伝統工芸指定されている八女手漉き和紙、八女独楽(こま)、八女石灯籠、八女仏壇、八女提灯。これらを世界に向けて紹介する八女商工会議所のプロジェクトの一環で、タイの国際展示会へ出展する際の展示ならびに英語資料を作成させていただきました。2016年度はJAPAN BRAND事業として、新たに始動する予定です。


スクリーンショット 2016-06-20 午後4.43.31

スクリーンショット 2016-06-20 午後4.44.02


2. プロフィール / Our Team


◯ 白水高広 / Takahiro Shiramizu

Takahiro is the co-founder and chief manager of Unagi-no-Nedoko, which he started with his friend, Shogo Haruguchi (“Haru”) in 2012. He was born and raised in Saga, and after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Oita University, he started working as a freelance designer. Prior to opening Unagi-no-Nedoko, Takahiro was the chief coordinator of “Kyushu-Chikugo Genki Project”, which was aimed to vitilize job creation in the southern Fukuoka area (Chikugo) through product design and branding. After the three years term has ended in 2012, Takahiro and Haru opened Unagi-no-Nedoko shop in Yame, Fukuoka. The business includes not only retail and wholesale of local craft products, but research of people, culture, techniques and history of the local area. Takahiro is in charge of directing, design, product development, photographing and research.

◯ 岡本真祐子 / Mayuko Okamoto

Born in Okayama in 1983, Mayuko has lived in many parts of Japan such as Osaka, Hyogo, Tokyo, Fukushima, and the world, including Germany, India and Mongolia. After acquiring a BA from International Christian University, and a MA from University of Tokyo Graduate School, she currently enrolss in the PhD course at the same institution. She has experience of some museum-related jobs including a teaching assistant for the curatorial training course at a university, as well as a two-year governmental volunteering at the Karakorum museum in Mongolia. Specialized in museology and museum history, she contributes in connecting “the local” with international context through her knowledge and research.


◯ 渡邊令 / Rei Watanabe

As a translator and researcher at Unagi-no-Nedoko, Rei is in charge of the communications, and coordinates research trips and business meetings for those who are interested in engaging with local craftmakers in Northern Kyushu area, both in English and Japanese. Rei was born in Tokyo, and has lived in the United States, Canada, and the UK. She has attended United World College of the Pacific in Canada, and graduated from the London School of Economics (LSE) with a bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology. Prior to joining Unagi-no-Nedoko in July 2015, she was executive assistant to CEO at Honda Kiko Co., Ltd., and program leader at a social enterprise in a rural fishing village in Nagasaki, providing home stay experiences and cultural/environmental programs to foreign visitors.
