【日々のこと】他の産地とのつながり / connection with other producing district.

ゆいまーる 鈴木




他にも、もう2年前になりますが新宿のHAPONというシェアオフィスで行われたHAPON BAZAARLで繋がり続けている子供向けのアートワークショップtontonを行っているHさんと、その仲間たちとは、東京へ出張へ行った時ご飯を食べたり、みんなで八女へ遊びにきてくれたりと交流を続けています。台湾料理屋で円卓を囲み、わいわいと話し込みました。初対面の方も半分くらいいたのですが、なんだか親戚の集まりみたいで幸せでした。八女周辺では同世代でガンガンやってる人はそう多くはないので、いつも刺激を貰っています。




I came from TOKYO. This business trip, A lot of friend care for me. I’ll say THANK-YOU for friend. This photo’s man is CEO SUZUKI of YUIMA-RU that company deal with product made in OKINAWA-JAPAN. we meeting at TOKYO.
YUIMA-RU’s Work is discover the local(OKINAWA)attractive, and informe to the world. That’s work similar to our work. UNAGINO-NEDOKO is start with retail business the first. Now, we start with the development of a new product made by local materials and start the wholesale business.
YUIMA-RU is the opposite way.The center business is wholesale. SUZUKI felt a sense of crisis what this system depend on the product. He want to inform the attractive of the person’s spirit and tednique at OKINAWA. He grope the system of retail and make the space that is selled the OKINAWA’s product. I respect him and learn his work.

Other. The year before last we participatee in the event that name HAPON BAZAALE. then I met woman H,she’s work is art workshop for children,that workgroup name is TONTON. I meet H and H’s friend when I went the business trip at TOKYO and they came YAME often by trip. This time, we surround the round table ar TAIWAN restaurant. we talked about a that and the other. this gathering likes relative meetings. I feel happiness.

We start the store UNAGINO-NEDOKO 2 years and half year ago. we connect with varyous people and that state containue. We are differrent idea,roots,hometown,live but we feel near. because SNS(exp Facebook twitter instagram)influence on us.
Well, what I want to say is that, The World is change commanication,business way,happiness. I don’t know what it is good or bad, I feel and understand the change the world various elements.

From now,We cooperate with other local area’s make the products and company of similar to our work. We challenge bring out the potential of the local area’s attractive things. bye.

