翻訳・通訳事業 はじめました

1-1. 翻訳(和訳・英訳)
英文→和訳 28円 / 1単語あたり
和文→英訳 25円 / 1字あたり
1-2. Written translation (English to Japanese / Japanese to English)
We offer accurate native-level translation for in English and Japanese. Unlike many translations that tend to be a “literal translation”, we aim to make it as natural as possible and easy to read for native speakers. Please note that we may not be able to accept translation that requires high-level expertise and knowledge of a specific topic or industry. Depending on the type of medium and presumable readers, we can adjust the tone and nuance of the translation. Our prices are flexbile, according to your budget and the level of translation required, so please feel free to contact us for a quotation.
・ Reference price
English to Japanese – 28 JPY per word
Japanese to English – 25 JPY per letter
1-3. これまでの事例 / Previous Work
◯ 久留米絣もんぺ冊子 / Kurume kasuri Booklet(2016)
What is “Kurume kasuri”?
“Kurume kasuri” is a traditional cotton textile with 200 years of history, woven in Chikugo area of Southern Fukuoka. “Kasuri” is a Japanse tie-dye technique equivalent to “ikat”, which creates patterns by partially binding the yarn before dyeing and weaving. It is considered to be a technique originated in India, which spread to all corners of the world such as Asia, Latin America and Europe, which all developed locally. The ikat technique reached Okinawa (the southern islands) in the early 15th century, and spread to the main island of Japan in the early 19th century, including Kurume area. “Kurume kasuri” grew rapidly alongside the rise of Japanese textile industry from the end of 19th century, however was forced to stop its production during the World War II. After the war which ended in 1945, the needs grew again amid the rapid economic growth, however as Western clothing became mainstream and the production moving abroad for cheap labor, the number of weavers dropped from approximately 300 to 30 in the last 40 years. The weavers left are all unique in style, creating a exciting diversity for the Kurume kasuri industry.
2-1. 通訳業務(英語・日本語)
半日:4時間 / ¥25,000〜
1日:8時間 / ¥50,000〜
交通費 1回派遣につき / ¥1000
– 別途消費税がかかります。
– 半日は4時間、1日は8時間です。通訳時間も含めた拘束時間で計算させていただきます。
– 午後6時以降は夜間料金となります。(通常料金+1時間毎に1,000円)
※ 上記価格が基準となりますが、通訳の内容等によりお見積もりさせていただきますので、まずはご相談ください。
※ 商談や会議などより専門性の高い内容に関しましては、事前準備も含めて、別途お見積りさせていただいております。
(参考価格:半日4時間 40,000円、一日8時間 80,000円)
※ 内容によってはご依頼をお受けできない事もございます。ご了承ください。
※ キャンセル料率:
前日および当日 100%
3日前~2日前 50%
4日前〜5日前 30%
2-2. Oral translation / Interpretation
We specialize in providing top quality interpretation service with deep understanding of cultural sensibilities, giving thorough advice to our customers about local manufacturers and their products of Chikugo area (Southern Fukuoka) in Kyushu. We can also offer translation in other industries and areas around Kyushu. Please feel free to ask us for a quotation.
・Interpretation fee (For standard class interpretation, attendance, study trips etc.)
¥7000~ per hour
¥25,000~ half day (4 hours)
¥ 50,000~ full day (8 hours)
(plus ¥1000 travel expences per visit)
– Please note that consumption tax will be added seperately to the total amount of fees
– The hours indicate full engagement time of the interpreter, from the gathering time to the dispersal time and also include any consultation time.
– For hours after 18:00 pm, ¥1,000 per hour will be chaged on top of the standard rate.
– If the location is out of Chikugo area, the cost for transportation and accommodation may be added.
* Although the above is our standard rate, please send us an inquiry with information about your project, such as the subject matter, schedule, time, budget, language and type of interpretation needed, so we can provide you appropriate level of service and price estimate.
* If you require interpretation for higher level interpretation such as business negotiations or business meetings, the below rates may be applied including prior preperation fees.
¥ 40,000~ half day (4 hours) / ¥ 80,000~ full day (8 hours)
* In case of cancellation after placement of order, cancellation fee will be charged based on the rules below:
1. 4 to 5 days before the commencement of service: 30 % of the standard fee
2. 2 to 3 days before the commencement of service: 30 % of the standard fee
3. One day before, or the day of the commencement of service: 100 % of the standard fee
2-3. これまでの事例 / Previous Works
◯「オランダx九州 エキスパートミーティング」
→ 通訳アテンド・コーディネート(2016)
Dutch Cultureとオランダ大使館主催の「工芸とイノベーション」をテーマにした国際会議。日蘭から行政・大学・作り手など工芸に関わる専門家が集まり、九州芸文館で1日プレゼンテーションやディスカッションが行われました。前日にはオランダからのゲストの皆様を、八女の作り手のところにご案内し、日本での工芸技術の現状や久留米絣の産業規模や今後の可能性についてなどの話も含め、ご紹介しました。
◯ “Holland x Kyushu” Expert meeting
→ Interpretation / Coordination (2016)
An international conference was held in Yame, Fukuoka, to discuss about “Crafts and Innovation”, inviting experts from Japan and the Netherlands, hosted by Dutch Culture and the Dutch Embassy in Japan. Participants from the government, educational institutions, NGOs, and manufacturers have made presentations and held discussions for a day at the Kyushu Geibunkan, designed by Kengo Kuma. We have arranged visits to local craftmakers in Yame, explaining about the situation in Japanese craft industry and possibilities for the future.
3. プロフィール / Our Team
◯ 渡邊 令 / Rei Watanabe
As a translator and researcher at Unagi-no-Nedoko, Rei is in charge of the communications, and coordinates research trips and business meetings for those who are interested in engaging with local craftmakers in Northern Kyushu area, both in English and Japanese. Rei was born in Tokyo, and has lived in the United States, Canada, and the UK. She has attended United World College of the Pacific in Canada, and graduated from the London School of Economics (LSE) with a bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology. Prior to joining Unagi-no-Nedoko in July 2015, she was executive assistant to CEO at Honda Kiko Co., Ltd., and program leader at a social enterprise in a rural fishing village in Nagasaki, providing home stay experiences and cultural/environmental programs to foreign visitors.
◯ 岡本真祐子 / Mayuko Okamoto
Born in Okayama in 1983, Mayuko has lived in many parts of Japan such as Osaka, Hyogo, Tokyo, Fukushima, and the world, including Germany, India and Mongolia. After acquiring a BA from International Christian University, and a MA from University of Tokyo Graduate School, she currently enrolss in the PhD course at the same institution. She has experience of some museum-related jobs including a teaching assistant for the curatorial training course at a university, as well as a two-year governmental volunteering at the Karakorum museum in Mongolia. Specialized in museology and museum history, she contributes in connecting “the local” with international context through her knowledge and research.